i am a recruitment consultant

Alhamdulillah.. finally I'm employed.. God's will.. it goes like dis.. I've been called by a recruitment company for an interview on an event coordinator job.. so, i went for the interview.. and luckily, during the interview, I've been offered for a job at the company itself, as a recruitment consultant.. and thats when i have 2 undergo for a second interview on the same day at the same company but with a different consultant/interviewer...

And after 2 days, i got a call from the recruitment company saying that they wanna hire me as their consultant.. open arms.. i except the offer.. thank God for this opportunity..

so,here i am, a recruiter.. dealing with various type of people each and every day.. interviewing them, doing job matching,dealing with our client, doing telemarketing.. i love my job, it is way too far from my field, i was a mechy student and end up working in corporate world..world full of stress and challenges .. doing business thing.. i just hope that I'll do great n can go far in this field.. wish me luck..

here are some sneak peak for y'all...( view from my companies toilet window)hehehe