(8.00 a.m.)
Hola…good morning… waaa.. tepat2 pkol 8 pg nie… bukan pe…dalam bz cr blog page yg seswai to aku join, aku rase bek aku menaip share dgn korang.. tp sbnarnyer, ntah bled pt nk share ngan kamu smue pon xtaw.. bukan pe, stkat ni da ader 2 blog..tp x active.. n so sudden, aku tpkir lak, wat per susah2 nk cr blog len, gune jer yg ader,tp buat r pe2 yg ptot..aku da busan r dok mncari…
(8.55 a.m)
Aper aku nk buat.. Cm ner?.. I will jot down anything dat I wanna say if I have time… kire mcm time chronology r… ader je luang, aku drop by…tgok jer time, korang taw r.. aper aku n share ek, actually yesterday, one of my ex-teacher passed away.. it was so sudden, but lotsa things happened la.. smua urusan mudah, ramai yg menyumbang tnaga.. xsmpai 4 jam, jenazah siap dikafankan n dsolatkan.. trus di escort balik ke kampong… tp yg buat aku sdey n rasa mcm bsykur sgt my mom is a working lady is : my teacher’s wife is a housewife, no job n they have around 7 kids. The eldest is only 18… imagine? Cik Jun, I pray for your life and kid’s life, hoping that everything will be easy for you n tabahkan hati…
Enough bout dat…. Dis morn aku bru dpt tasks bru, mcm best jer, aku kne incharge tok handle company’s day out..ting2!! ape aku nk buat, aku nk buat movie day… aku choose venue, ako choose movie, g tgok reramai.. actually last week pon da day put, all of us g eat kat JOGOYA, was like hell fun, almaklum r, free ma… makan selagi mampu..huhu…. later aku upload pics k…later tux taw r bile… will let yall noe…
(1.00 pm)
This morning, kt dalam paper jumper MC D pnyer flyers, da niat dlm ati xnk bli..tp aleh2 dk ofis pakat order, so pe g, aku yang angaukan mc’d ni, pminat setia tahap gaban, pon order la…...hahaha ni tgah ngadapla ni…sodap bonar… hidop big mac!!
Burp!!..kenyang da..wawa..last nite blsah mc’d, today oso mc,d..later muka jd cam Ronald mc’d..huhu.. glung tikar r si mr Ronald, gnti mascot bru, mizz nissa…
Pe nak story ek, xtually ngah lunch break ni.. is it raining outside coz its really damn cold inside,plus the aircond, mang rase mcm mandi dgn ais batu…sjuk gle woo..today aku xdak mud..tomorrow da Friday, my bobo will b back from bangi..huhu… nk chat bebanyak ngan die..msti best…
Adoyai, bru jap td tnye ujan ke kat luar,pandang blakang xpon ujaqn, tp ni aku pandang g skali da lebat xingta..musim ujan dtg blik.jap je cerah kat kl ni,xthn lme..ujan je..nk bsoh bju pon kne pk 13.78 kali..bercinte…
K r… nk continue keje..daaa…..
Today is 6th NOVEMBER
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